Di Malaysia, penyakit kanser merupakan masalah kesihatan yang penting, dan antara penyebab utama kematian. Rawatan kanser tulang dan tisu anggota sudah dijalankan di negara kita sejak dua dekad yang lampau. Umumnya, rawatan untuk menghalang pemerebakan kanser ini melibatkan pembedahan amputasi anggota yang akan mengakibatkan kecacatan kekal. Secara tidak langsung, hal ini menghalang pesakit untuk ..
SPEEDY WRITING USING MICROSOFT WORDS: A STEP-BY-STEP INFOGRAPHICThis infographic step-by-step is handy to produce a word document for a professional report or academic writing, including proposals, thesis, dissertation, research project, manuscript, or any other report. Authors who do not use these functions will face a tedious challenge while writing. In the common practice of writing, the author..
This e-book is a section from series of lectures under the Sustainability: Issues, Challenges and Prospects course. This is an introduction to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries (developed and developing) in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve..
Knowing each other since birth was the main reason why Danial Haikal and Dahlia Helena had a good chemistry as a pair detective in their school. People in the school put their trust in Danial and Dahlia to resolve the problems that occured- be it amongst the teachers or students. The school was just harmonious until one day, a chaotic incident happened. The chaotic incident did not stop ther..
Menerima berita telah disahkan menghidapi kanser bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah bagi sesetengah individu. Terutamanya bagi para wanita yang perlu menerima hakikat bakal kehilangan organ reproduktif (cth. rahim, k..