Sebuah buku masakan berbentuk travelog. Menceritakan pengalaman penulis memasak sambil mengembara ke beberapa negara asing. Terdapat catatan 7 jenis resepi mudah dan ringkas namun lazat yang boleh dijadikan inspirasi. Resepi-resepi ini hanya menggunakan bahan dan peralatan yang paling minimum...
Sustainable Construction aims to BUILD in a way that is socially, economically, environmentally,
functionally, and aesthetically balanced to meet today’s needs; and
to provide and conserve resources for future generations.This ebook discusses five (5) main topics that are relatable to Sustainable Construction. This includes Energy Efficiency, Indoor
Environmental Quality, Constr..
This e-book is a section from series of lectures under the Sustainability: Issues, Challenges and Prospects course. This is an introduction to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countries (developed and developing) in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve..
Empayar LashiraLashira berkembang megah tiada tanding,Tatkala Iktizaz si raja memegang gading,The Mad Iktizaz, gelaran sang raja saat diguling,Diganti Raja Felix, boneka diraja Al-Mout sang pengguling,Hilangnya Felix diganti Illiyin yang kononya tiada taring,Mampukah Illiyin menaikkan Lashira ke puncak gading? AzraelTerkenal dengan gelaran si pengambil nyawa oleh anggota Al-Mout. Tujuan kehid..
This groundbreaking book delves into the world of chatbots and their potential as a teaching tool for language learning. Written by Dr. Mohd Faisal Farish, "Teaching With Chatbots" provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits and challenges of incorporating chatbots into the ESL classroom...
Mysterious adventures.This book contains three exciting adventures of a young detective called Duncan. Discover his mysterious adventure and be prepared to have quizzes in your mind...
Knowing each other since birth was the main reason why Danial Haikal and Dahlia Helena had a good chemistry as a pair detective in their school. People in the school put their trust in Danial and Dahlia to resolve the problems that occured- be it amongst the teachers or students. The school was just harmonious until one day, a chaotic incident happened. The chaotic incident did not stop ther..
"The hippos on the covers capture my mood and the essence of the poetry here in this first publication.I am always amazed by young people. They are just so creative in their own ways, with raw observations, perceptions and emotions."Deborah loves food and adores hippopotamuses. She is down-to-earth, and a Gen Z with great dreams for her homeland, Malaysia. Savour her works here and you will discov..