Are you contemplating postgraduate studies? Or are you a postgraduate student yourself?Have you ever wondered about the journey the PhD holders went through? Is it all very rosy and colourful studying in a foreign land?Read their stories in this motivational PhD e-book, ‘Phinally Done, You can now call me Dr …’ that comprises 11 anecdotes written by USM scholars. It is a steal at only RM19.99..
This third travelogue features a collection of zen or minimalist stories in the form of haiku written during my three short visits to Japan. The first was an educational study trip in 2000 during my sabbatical leave while working in Universiti Sains Malaysia. I visited universities, businesses and industries in Kyoto, Tokyo, Odaiba, Yamashita, and of course Disneyland Tokyo. Second, my Human Devel..
This travelogue features my collection of different forms of haiku written during my trips to Australia from 2000 to 2009. The stories began with Wollongongand Sydney in 2000 during my first sabbatical leave while working in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Later, I visited Melbourne in 2008 and Sydneyagain in 2009. After presenting papers at three different conferences in three different Australian cit..
Polisiloksana ialah elastomer tak organik yang mempunyai sifat termal yang amat tinggi dan
kebolehan diregang. Ia dikenali bermula abad ke-20 manakala bidang elektronik bermula sejak
tahun 1980 sebagai bahan penghadang haba. Kini, penggunaan polisiloksana menjangkaui banyak
bidang elektronik seperti bahan substrat dalam sel fotovoltik, panel skrin, pemandu gelombang
dan antena. Menariknya ..
Kelapa sawit merupakan anugerah yang amat berharga kepada Malaysia dan industri
itu kini menjana pendapatan bagi kira-kira 3 juta penduduk. Hasil utama industri ini
ialah minyak kelapa sawit dan minyak isirung serta pelbagai jenis biojisim yang dapat
dimanfaatkan. Minyak kelapa sawit paling berpotensi untuk memenuhi keperluan minyak
dan lemak dunia berdasarkan hasil pengeluaran tahunannya ..
This book is a collaboration between the Department of Museum Malaysia and the National Poison Centre (USM) in an effort to educate and to share with public all information about venomous and the management of snake envenomation through simple yet important questions and answers...
The book in your hand right now contains the step-by-step flows of basic functionalities of SmartUMS which currently upgrade to Smartv3ums ( ( These functionalities can be leveraged to help you to implement more progressive learning approaches, such as blended learning, student centered learning, active learning, managing assessments, and enga..
E-book ini merupakan hasil karya penyelidikan penulis
melalui kajian literatur dan penelitian Al-Quran. E-book
ini memberikan pendedahan ringkas kepada pelajar,
pendidik dan masyarakat umum tentang nutrisi dan
khasiat buah-buahan seperti buah kurma, buah anggur
dan buah delima yang mempunyai pengaruh yang
sangat besar terhadap kesihatan dan perubatan. Buahbuahan yang dipilih adalah bu..