Mysterious adventures.This book contains three exciting adventures of a young detective called Duncan. Discover his mysterious adventure and be prepared to have quizzes in your mind...
Knowing each other since birth was the main reason why Danial Haikal and Dahlia Helena had a good chemistry as a pair detective in their school. People in the school put their trust in Danial and Dahlia to resolve the problems that occured- be it amongst the teachers or students. The school was just harmonious until one day, a chaotic incident happened. The chaotic incident did not stop ther..
This e-book is a description of my
” (half
work and half vacation) to Mukah, Sarawak. During the
trip, I collected blood samples from the Melanau
communities for my PhD research. My objective was to
collect 150 blood samples and I was assisted by my
trusty colleagues Norul Hajar, Nik Nur Hakimah, Siti
Azhani , Farihin Helmi , Solihah Maketar,
' Adani Sanusi
and Khairul Nai..
Elizabeth, Ellysha and Vikram looked at each
otherand seemed to have a silent conversation through theirgazes before Elizabeth spoke up.“The trio detectives are ready for duty, sir.”****New steps, New clues,New adventures."Not for name, but for justice"
This book, The World According to MIA: Through Poem & Haiku Lens, is a compilation of selected short-modern, free style poems and haikus aim to stir deep thoughts. In this book, the author shares her perspective through poems and haikus...
An anthology of poems written between 2008 to 2021, Through Eyes Unseen offers a collection of freeform poems that touch on a variety of topics - from sadness, to unrequited love, to even the hallmarks of capitalism...
Menerima berita telah disahkan menghidapi kanser bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah bagi sesetengah individu. Terutamanya bagi para wanita yang perlu menerima hakikat bakal kehilangan organ reproduktif (cth. rahim, k..